Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said, "This is a cowardly act. We will deal with it. We will not succumb to pressure of terrorism." He added, "This is a long war in which all political parties, all people of India should stand united so that the scourge of terrorism is crushed."
You will deal with jack squat, Mr.Prime Minister.
All you will do is add more strip searches in malls and groping in movie lines. You will add more "security" guys who will eyeball car trunks but wont even glance inside the cars or ask whats inside my backpack. You will have more cops on the streets to take bribes from people to allow them right of passage. All this when what failed is intelligence.
Not sure why this is a cowardly act when they just flip us off every time and tell us that they did it and you can do nothing. You cannot prove anything and you cannot get us justice. You are the coward Mr. Singh, not them. You do not have the cajones to do what it takes to bring the perpetrators to justice (the masterminds, not the ones who pulled the trigger or pressed a button). This is war and you have zip to prove it. You will talk a lot of trash and your posse will talk a lot of trash. But nothing will happen. You will make sure that this is a long war.
I don't even know what "we will not succumb to pressure of terrorism" means to the families of the people who got killed. On the face of it, it looks like you are saying that tomorrow is going to be business as usual. That nothing will change. You are saying that they can kill some more and nothing will change.
All the political parties, all the people of India, we will all stand united and we will gawk. We will stand up and we will think that just the mere act of being united will crush the scourge of terrorism.
You suck sir. Big time.
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