Sunday, March 18, 2012

Selective Morality

When Americans heard of Jeremiah Wright sermonizing about “America’s chickens are coming home to roost”, most of them were outraged. They could not believe that someone in the country is actually saying that Americans in the World Trade Center did anything to deserve what happened on that fateful day. Even now, liberals and realists both get queasy when discussing America’s foreign policy and its repercussions – they are afraid to say what is obvious – that when you kill people in the rest of the world, when you meddle in their internal affairs, they will strike back.

Rarely has anyone been able to make that statement without fear of retribution – except for Ron Paul. But Ron Paul is different. Americans have gotten used to hearing some crazy shit from Ron Paul – he talks about going back to the Gold Standard, closing the Federal Reserve, letting corporations collapse in the middle of a deep recession, he will allow people to die in order to cleanse the market of the bad policies. He is okay with poor people dying of starvation or when they cannot afford health insurance. Hey, that is free market economics. So when Ron Paul says that America is the empire and America meddled with other countries’ internal affairs, Americans tend to ignore it. But even Ron Paul doesn’t say that Americans deserved 9/11 – not in as many words.

On 11-Mar, the 38-year old US Army staff sergeant left his forward operating base, by himself, in southern Afghanistan near Kandahar early Sunday. He reportedly knocked on several doors and entered at least two houses, where he allegedly shot and killed 16 Afghan civilians, including women and children.
Days after, once the staff sergeant has been identified as Robert Bales, all we can see in the news is reports of the number of lives the soldier has saved, the trauma he faced, the mortgages he couldn’t pay, the homes he lost, the bloody wars he was a part of, being passed over for promotion, all subtly hinting at how the circumstances were to blame. The articles talk about what a loving father he was and such an adoring husband. He even underwent an anger management assessment way back in 2002 after he was charged with assault. Even this is somehow beamed on to us as a virtue.
He is an army combatant who murdered innocent women and children – 16 of them. But his neighbors “cannot see how this could have happened”. His comrades say that “there has to be very severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder involved. I just don't want him seen as some psychopath, because he is not.” When Americans murder and rape in the countries they are at war with, there are reasons. When others kill Americans, it is simply because they are barbarians and animals.
If the fathers or the husbands of the people murdered in that home were to come and kill 16 people in America tomorrow, you would not hear of PTSD, or family problems, or insanity pleas. America would go back to carpet bombing Afghanistan the next day. Because murdering Americans would be an act of terrorism.
Worst part is, a lot of Americans do not see this is as double standard. They wonder why there is anti-Americanism in the rest of the world, and most of them believe that it is because the rest of the world envies America for its wealth and freedom. No, there is Anti Americanism because the rest of the world can see this double standard. 
I love America for the values it stands for. Lincoln’s picture adorns my walls right next to Jefferson, Buddha and Gandhi. I strive to internalize the values that Clarence Darrow espoused. I have a lot of friends in America who I love and respect – I have learnt a lot from them. But blind patriotism shouldn't stop you from condemning what is wrong. In  fact, patriotism should push you to stand for what is right.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ricky Balboa, Ladies and Gentlemen...

Gazo: How's about investing in condominiums? It's safe. 

Ricky Balboa: Condominiums? 
Gazo: Yeah, condominiums. 
Ricky Balboa: I never use 'em

[to Mitt Romney, about a rematch with Ricky on Super Tuesday
Chris Christie: He's all wrong for us, baby. I saw you beat that man like I never saw no man get beat before, and the man kept coming after you. Now we don't need no man like that in our lives.

[Ricky says to Mickey after the Primary Election
Ricky Balboa: I feel like a Kentucky Fried idiot. 

Ricky Balboa: [after his Obama.. what a snob speech] What's that in your ear there? 
Mickey: What it is, is I hear stupid things better. 

Adrian: Do you know how to drive? 
Ricky Balboa: Do I know how to drive? I drive airplanes and bulldozers. I'll drive you crazy if you give me a chance. You know what I mean?

[Before Arizona Republican Presidential Debate]

Rush Limbaugh: You're gonna eat lightnin'; you're gonna crap thunder.

Mickey: This guy don't just want to win, you know. He wants to bury you, he wants to humiliate you, he wants to prove to the whole world that you was nothing but some kind of a... a freak the first time out. He said you were a one time lucky bum! 
Well now I don't wanna get mad in a biblical place like this, but I think you're a hell of a lot more than that kid! A hell of a lot! 

But now wait a minute, if you wanna blow this thing, if you wanna blow it, then damn it I'm gonna blow it with ya. If you wanna stay here, I'll stay with ya. I stay with ya. 

Mitt Romney: [after slapping Rocky in the face with his left hand] Now you didn't even see that comin', did ya? And that's comin' from a broken down punk like me. What... what do ya think the Obama would do to ya? 
Ricky Balboa: Hurt me bad, I guess... 
Romney: Na, he'd hurt ya permanent. Permanent!  

[at the end of an exhausting Republican Primary, Ricky lands a knockout punch at Mitt Romney but sends them both falling onto the ring

Adrian: [shocked] Oh! 
Referee: One! Two! 
Bill Baldwin: If he gets up, Romney will regain the title! If neither of them gets up, it's a draw and Romney will win the title automatically! The count... 
Referee: Four... 
Chris Christie: [calling to Romney] Get up, my Man! 
Rush Limbaugh: GET ON YOUR FEET!
Adrian: [whispers] Get up.

Referee: [Pandemonium in the stadium grows] Six! Seven! 
Paulie: [Screams] Get up! 
Referee: Eight! 
Anne Romney: GET UP! 
Referee: Nine... 
[Finally admitting that Ricky deserves the championship, Romney collapses; Mary Anne moans]  

Referee[Ricky at the last second stands up] TEN! YOU'RE OUT! 
[Paulie and Adrian screams in happiness; Mickey yells
Bill Baldwin: He made it at the last second! Ricky Balboa has shocked the world! He is the new Republican Presidential Nominee for 2012!  (and the heavyweight champion of the world)